
The Work of the Global Church

Discover how to live daily on mission. This resource dives into "The Mission" and why it is important for each church.

World Missions

November 17, 2022


Contending for Mission

The Work of the Global Church

The Global Church is a beautiful reality. Eugene Peterson writes in his book Practice Resurrection that the "Church is an appointed gathering of named people in particular places who practice a life of resurrection in a world in which death gets the biggest headlines... the practice of resurrection is an intentional, deliberate decision to believe and participate in resurrection life, life out of death, life that trumps death, life that is the last word, Jesus' life."

We are a part of a body of believers that is present around the world and completing the same work. What is this work? In the simplest terms, the work of the Global Church is the work of the kingdom. Romans 14:17 states that "the kingdom of God is...righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (NASV). This work is done by understanding the realities of the kingdom, living in such realities, and then spreading it everywhere you go. The work is greater than any one believer, but just one believer can make an impact in the kingdom.

Know, that as you begin, or as you continue this task, you are not alone. Go and do the work of the Global Church. Be the representation of the kingdom to a broken world, sharing resurrecting life to the field that you have been assigned.

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