
Spiritual Leadership

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$ 14.99 USD
Henry and Richard Blackaby provide their experience based insights about a leader's biggest challenges.
  • Author
    Henry & Richard Blackaby
  • Color
  • Publisher
    B & H Publishing Group
  • Material
Mission & Vision

"This book is intended not only for for those who fit the traditional leader profile but also for 'ordinary' people who believe their world needs to change."

Product Description
Descripción del Producto

In this revised and expanded edition of Spiritual Leadership, the Blackaby's refresh their experience based insights about a leader's biggest challenges, character requirements, exerting influence, decision making techniques, and more. All the while, the authors focus on how leaders can discover and promote God's vision for their organization and move people on to His agenda.


This book is endorsed by the Pentecostal Church of God as part of its Ministers Study Series.

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