
Seen, Celebrated, Loved

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Designed specifically for young girls, this devotional book was crafted to make Bible study fun. In its pages, you'll find an age-appropriate study of 8 women of the Bible along with fun activities and plenty of space to doodle.
  • Author
    Empowered Women
    Empowered Women
  • Color
  • Publisher
    Empowered Women, M-Prints
  • Material
Spiritual Formation

Every girl deserves to be seen, celebrated, and loved.

Product Description
Descripción del Producto

Empowered Girls: Seen, Celebrated, and Loved is a devotional book designed to help girls like you grow in their faith and build a stronger relationship with God. It features stories of inspiring women from theBible who have made a significant impact, it includes Bible verses to reflect on, and it offers engaging activities to help you apply God'sWord to your life. Each chapter is meant for conversation making, coloring and doodling, and spending time with Jesus.

This book is designed for girls of all ages. If you’re younger, seek guidance from your mom or a leader to help you along the way. If you’re a bit older, consider using this devotional as a supplement to your regular time with God. Ultimately, remember that Empowered Girls are...

  1. Seen — “I know and can see God’s power is in me.”
  2. Celebrated — “God has a purpose for me and celebrates whoHe has created me to be.”
  3. Loved — "God’s love pursues me every day. No matter what I do and no matter how I feel, Jesus loves me."

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