Ordained Series

An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch

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$ 29.99 USD
The Pentateuch—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy—are the vital first books in the Bible. Understanding their scope, meaning, and events is integral to understanding the whole of Scripture.
  • Author
    Herbert Wolf
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Ordained Series
Growing the Church

"The five books of the Pentateuch are filled with adventure and upheaval. They contain the records of God's people and reveal God's character and requirements for a relationship with Him.

Product Description
Descripción del Producto

Wolf first addresses the overarching themes that flow through the Pentateuch, giving special attention to Moses as its author. He then addresses each book specifically, covering topics such as purpose, context, and literary structure. He also explores critical issues specific to each book, like:

Genesis—the meaning of "day" in Genesis 1:1–2:3; the extent of the flood; the Abrahamic covenant; the Joseph narrative

Exodus—the significance of the plagues; Passover; the date of the Exodus; the Ten Commandments

Leviticus—meaning of the sacrificial system; the roles of priests and Levites; the Day of Atonement

Numbers—the twelve tribes; forty years in the wilderness; Balaam; preparation for the Promised Land

Deuteronomy—the "Shema;" covenant curses; the promise of blessing


The Pentecostal Church of God endorses this book as part of our Ordination Ministry License Set.

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